
Search VETERINARY jobs across Australia

The Digital Vet Network is the new home of searching and advertising continuing veterinary education in Australia. It is a platform designed for veterinarians and veterinary nurses searching for their next continuing education course. Easily find and connect with the companies providing veterinary education in Australia.

Veterinarians and Veterinary Nurses

Looking to spend your CPD allowance? Need some crucial structured or unstructured points for your veterinary license? Want to upskill in a particular facet of veterinary medicine, surgery or other aspect of the veterinary day to day life? Or just looking to browse what’s available and stay up to date on the forefront of veterinary medicine? Then the veterinary continuing education space of the Digital Vet Network is the perfect place for you.

With so many different continuing veterinary education providers in Australia it can be tough to choose, let alone find the right course for you. By combining all the different education providers in Australia, the Digital Vet Network ensures you won’t miss a course that you’re interested in.

Our easy to navigate calendar display shows everything that’s happening each month in the world of veterinary continuing education. Whether it be veterinary webinars, conferences, distance education or workshops, you will be able to plan your CPD schedule as required.

Simply click the CPD button in the banner and start looking for your next veterinary education program.

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August 9, 2022
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August 9, 2022
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