Looking for unicorns…. Aka a locum or two.
Prefer mixed practitioner but can accommodate a smallies only vet. I would love someone to be able to cover a weekend or two on call as I have only had 1 weekend off in 2 years and am in need of some beauty sleep

. With that said, afterhours is pretty light- 1 or 2 calls outs through the week, and 0-5 on weekends depending on how hard the snakes are biting. A Nurse is rostered on call duty with you.
Anytime this year, you choose the dates , I’m just looking to have a break, finish early some days to do home stuff (call me back in if you need to). Even better if you can do a solo weekend on call (it’s really not that hard).
We are currently a single vet mixed practice located in Roma, SW Qld.
70% smallies , 20% beef cattle (and odd dairy cow) , horses, goats, wildlife make up the rest. However, our equine work is rather seasonal (summer time is gelding, mare breeding etc) so may not suit vets with an equine preference. We have excellent mentors to chat with and refer as desired and wonderful clients. We have very spacious consult rooms, im3 dental machine, ultrasound, DR radiology, in house biochem, and following day IDEXX lab turnaround (collect blood today, results following morning)…. so just because we are rural, doesn’t mean we lack in services, facilities or ability.
Roma is an active town and there is plenty to do and see
- bottles trees galore
- Roma saleyards (the largest cattle selling complex in the southern hemisphere)
- Big Rig tree top walk and Big Rig Museum
-muckadilla pub is just down the road
- the beautiful Carnarvon George can be explored in a day trip
-Roma show (May)
- running of the wieners / dachshund day annual event (typically September)
- various race meets throughout the year
So come and experience a bit of the South west Qld outback, she’s a bit dry at present but so beautiful!
Accomodation provided. Manual work Ute provided.
Email: admin@maranoavetsurgery.com.au or call 0407717375