Oncology Online Learning Program

100% Online





Improve Veterinary Education

CPD Points

GP Cert


$12,650.00 incl GST (includes all ISVPS registration fees)


Event Type

Distance Education



Oncology Online Learning Program

Description of program:

Oncology Online Learning Program 2023

Broaden your perspectives on veterinary oncology with this NEW online learning program  in 2023.

Oncology is one of the fastest-growing fields in small animal practice. Advances in knowledge and newly-available treatments have provided increasing options for compassionate cancer care and quality of life for your patients .

This online veterinary course is a ground-breaking program, designed by boarded Specialists, to help you develop an evidence-based clinical approach to patients and their management. Rather than following generic protocols, the Oncology Online Learning Program allows you to develop individual case plans and become confident in your investigations and treatment of cancer and give the best patient outcomes.

Accredited training for the ISVPS General Practitioner Certificate (GPCert), you can grow your veterinary oncology skills while working towards a post graduate qualification.

The online learning materials are designed to provide a logical approach to the main concepts of oncological disease, starting with an understanding of the biology of cancer. The latest information on diagnosis, staging and oncology therapy will be covered. Module topics are consolidated by interactive online case management scenarios.

Oncology topics  include:

  • Biology of Cancer
  • Cytology and laboratory diagnosis
  • Diagnostic imaging techniques
  • Common cancers in small animals
  • Treatment options including surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy


Build your knowledge, improve patient care and achieve a recognised qualification.

For more information, please click on the link below:
Please note: Late admissions taken until August.